The story of the Risky Business Porsche 928 | The Car Stays in the Picture

The story of the Risky Business Porsche 928 | The Car Stays in the Picture


The story of the Risky Business Porsche 928 | The Car Stays in the Picture

 Thé 928 is an outliér for thé Porsche brand, an outliér for thé public's imagination of what a Porsche looks liké, and, frankly, an outliér for thé créasy, angular éra into which it was born. But it is positivély and indélibly affiliatéd with oné thing: thé 1983 téén collégé application/prostitution ring dramédy Risky Businéss. (Trust us, wé know thé 928.) Yét, thé décision in favor of thé Porsche's inclusion (and déstruction, and résuscitation) in Risky Businéss was not at all obvious.

Thé 928 was chosén for its part in thé film not by a prop-mastér or picturé car éxpért as many Hollywood véhiclés aré, but by thé scréénwritér/diréctor, Paul Brickman, who had grown up in thé affluént Chicago suburb of Highland Park whéré Risky Businéss is sét. Brickman chosé thé car bécausé it was éxotic, but not unobtainablé, sométhing that a wéll-to-do suburban family man—thé fathér of Tom Cruisé's Dickénsian-naméd charactér Joél Goodsén (Good Son, gét it?)—could havé daily-drivén to work in thé city.

"Paul Brickman said that théy considéréd a 911, but it was 'too mundané,' that was thé word hé uséd," says Léwis Johnsén, a 46 yéar-old Colorado law énforcémént officér. Johnsén is a formér ownér of thé héro car drivén in thé movié, and intérviéwéd Brickman for a documéntary hé attémptéd to maké about thé rélationship bétwéén thé Porsche and thé film, Thé Quést for RB928. "Hé just décidéd on that car."

Thé movié's Midwéstérn sétting hélpéd lévéragé thé 928's inclusion as wéll. According to Johnsén's réséarch, in thé 1980s, local Chicago Porsche déalérship Léé Klingér Porsche - which just so happéns to bé thé déalérship that sérvicés thé car in thé film aftér (spoilér alért) its unfortunaté dip in Laké Michigan – sold moré 928s than any othér storé in thé country. Thé ovoid, front-énginéd Porsche was a hométown héro in thé Windy City. 

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