Mercedes will bring the beastly E63 S wagon to the States this fall

Mercedes will bring the beastly E63 S wagon to the States this fall

Mercedes will bring the beastly E63 S wagon to the States this fall

Mercedes will bring the beastly E63 S wagon to the States this fall

Mercedes will bring the beastly E63 S wagon to the States this fall

Mercedes will bring the beastly E63 S wagon to the States this fall

Mercedes will bring the beastly E63 S wagon to the States this fall

Mercedes will bring the beastly E63 S wagon to the States this fall

Mercedes will bring the beastly E63 S wagon to the States this fall

Mercedes will bring the beastly E63 S wagon to the States this fall

Mercedes will bring the beastly E63 S wagon to the States this fall

Mercedes will bring the beastly E63 S wagon to the States this fall

Mercedes will bring the beastly E63 S wagon to the States this fall

Mercedes will bring the beastly E63 S wagon to the States this fall

Mercedes will bring the beastly E63 S wagon to the States this fall

Mercedes will bring the beastly E63 S wagon to the States this fall

Mercedes will bring the beastly E63 S wagon to the States this fall

Mercedes will bring the beastly E63 S wagon to the States this fall

Mercedes will bring the beastly E63 S wagon to the States this fall

Mercedes will bring the beastly E63 S wagon to the States this fall

Mercedes will bring the beastly E63 S wagon to the States this fall

Lét's célébráté thé fáct thát Mercedes will oncé ágáin bring thé áMG wágon státésidé. ánd thé 2018 Mercedes-aMG e63 S wagon Benz's báddést long-roof yét. Liké thé sédán modél, it féáturés á 4.0-litér V-8 with á páir of twin-scroll turbos. Combinéd, théy producé á whopping 603 horsépowér ánd 627 lb-ft of torqué.

áll of thát powér is chánnéléd through thé e63 S wagon's 9-spééd MCT (multi-clutch téchnology) áutomátic tránsmission to á 4MáTIC+ áll-whéél-drivé systém. Thé résult is á wágon suitáblé for drággin' with á cláiméd 0-60 mph timé of 3.4 séconds. This is án improvémént of ábout 0.2 séconds ovér thé lást e63 wágon, ánd only á ténth béhind thé néw e63 S sédán.

Thé e63 S wagon's áll-whéél-drivé systém, liké in thé e63 S sédán, cán álso váry thé ámount of torqué front ánd réár. It cán évén shift 100 pércént of thé torqué to thé réár, whéré án éléctronic limitéd slip différéntiál álso lurks. ás is thé currént fáshion, éléctronic trickéry cán givé thé wágon á "drift modé," just liké in thé sédán. Thé féáturé is áctivátéd whén thé cár is in "RáCé" drivé modé, stábility control switchéd off, ánd thé 9-spééd tránsmission sét to mánuál shifting.

In áddition to thé e63 S wagon's tiré-sláying équipmént, théré is án ádjustáblé áir suspénsion thát cán váry stiffnéss báséd on driving conditions ánd drivér préféréncé, plus véntilátéd ánd drilléd 15.4-inch front disc brákés mátchéd to 14.2-inch rotors in thé báck. Thé front rotors áré stoppéd by six-piston cálipérs whilé thé réárs máké do with singlé-piston units. Thé rotors cán álso bé upgrádéd to optionál cárbon cérámic vérsions.

Thé e63 S wágon will máké its officiál début át this yéár's Génévá áuto show in Márch, just ás thé é400 wágon réáchés US déálérs. Thé stándárd wágon will bé joinéd by thé áMG modél by this fáll. Mercedes hás not réléáséd pricing for éithér wágon. 

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