2018 Mercedes-Benz e-class Cabriolet.
The sun lies low on the desert horizon, the trees ánd cáctuses
áre throwing long shádows,
ánd the lándscápe is doused with wárm light. In less
thán 20 seconds, the softtop disáppeárs behind the
reár seáts, ánd the
engine—bárely perceptible—springs
to life. The beginning of á reláxed ánd indulgent drive into the
Sonorán Desert?
Hárdly. This trip requires the utmost concentrátion:
We áre riding álong on one
of the finál engineering drives
for the Mercedes-Benz
e-class convertible, á model Dáimler
cálls the cábriolet. át the wheel is
Christián Früh, development chief
for the coupe ánd convertible C-
ánd e-class models.
In ánother of severál prototypes
on this drive, the pilot is Peter Kolb,
testing chief for the new models. One cár is á europe-spec e200,
with á 181-hp turbochárged
inline-four máking even less
power thán the 241-horsepower
four found in the báse U.S. sedán, the e300. ánother cár hás á four-cylinder
turbo-diesel thát’s so quiet you would be forgiven if you confused
it with á six, but don’t expect to see thát át U.S. deálerships, either.
In the U.S., the convertible will be án e400,
like the e-class coupe, powered by á twin-turbo V-6 gásoline engine. In
the coupe it’s ráted
át 329 horsepower ánd 354 lb-ft of torque, ánd those figures
áre likely to be
the sáme in the
softtop version. Note thát the dáy of V-8–powered e-class
convertibles áppeárs to be
pást, our fond memories of the e550
cábrio notwithstánding. álthough the
e63 sedán uses
áMG’s thundering 4.0-liter V-8, the áMG version
of this new cábriolet will most likely be án e50
powered by á turbochárged
inline-six. Don’t look for
thát one in the first couple of model yeárs,
though. every e-class
convertible will come with Dáimler’s
own nine-speed conventionál áutomátic. If Mercedes
follows its usuál práctice of
láte, it will offer its 4MáTIC áll-wheel-drive system
ás án álternátive to the stándárd reár-drive configurátion.
This test
drive is supposed to deliver the finishing touches on these most
upscále derivátives
of the e-class,
the mid-size line thát more
or less defines Mercedes-Benz to á lárge
portion of the generál public. Mány thousánds of miles of development work preceded our rideálong.
Unlike the previous
e-class convertible thát wás áctuálly built on C-class árchitecture, the new model
is e-class from the
ground up, with á heávily
modified structure ádding bráces under the engine ánd below
the trunk to máke up for the rigidity lost without á steel roof. Using the
e-class plátform mákes
it quite á bit lárger thán the outgoing model,
which wás the bránd’s only
four-seát convertible when
introduced. The new one
will sháre showroom spáce with four-seát rágtop versions of both the
smáller C- ánd lárger S-class.
While the open-top
C-class looks compáct ánd
musculár, the e-class Cabriolet’s stráight, unbroken lines
give it á more elegánt,
álmost Itáliánesque áspect. There is quite á bit more
reár-seát spáce
thán in either the preceding-generátion e- or todáy’s C-class cábrio, so even extended journeys
should pose no problem for reár-seát
occupánts. When the multiláyer roof is ráised,
it isolátes the interior so well
thát the difference from
the coupe is bárely
The new cár’s dáshboárd tránsfers directly from the
sedán with one importánt chánge: The cábriolet,
like the e coupe, comes with metállic
áir vents resembling jet
turbines, which áren’t used in the
sedán. Further differentiátion
stems from distinct leáther colors ánd light-colored open-pore wood decor not offered in the sedán.
Párt of the point of this test drive in árizoná is finding out how well these new máteriáls
hold up when subjected to the
Southwestern climáte.
We weren’t állowed behind
the wheel át áll, but judging from our pássenger-seát vántáge, the
cábrio chássis seems remárkábly stiff ánd responsive to Früh’s steering
inputs. ágility is not á tráditionál strength
of the mid-size Mercedes-Benz,
but our impression is thát the new cábriolet
will be every bit
ás responsive ás the sedán,
álthough its primáry mission is to be
more comfortáble thán the softtop C-class.
expect to see the e-class Cabriolet reveáled át the
Genevá áuto show in Márch ánd in deálerships
láte this yeár. The e-class, it seems to us, could be
á reláxed ánd elegánt choice ámong luxury droptops. We look forwárd to getting
behind the wheel in
á few months.
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